This is much more value for money than buying XP pots. Pay for Patron - A patron sub will increase XP from all sources by 40%.

Do some PVP - Queue up during peak times from level 65 onwards, the XP is not amazing, but it does add some variety to the grind.Try to complete your 14 ‘extra XP’ IA each day, make sure you complete the IA weekly. Spend time in Celestial Instant Adventures. Sellable Common Uncommon Rare Ascended Epic Relic Transcendent Eternal.Complete the Dailies from the PoA zones you have finished. Pick up all the weeklies from Alittu and try to get them done each week. Complete Dailies and Weeklies while you are levelling.
Use an XP vial! - The two free XP vials you got from your Ascended Cache should be used during the 65-70 journey.Death 3/5/7 flat increase in all damage depending on the rank of your weapon. You can solve this issue with a variety of tactics. Each buff gives 600 resist of the relevant plane and the following stat buffs. Where is the XP? The zone quests in PoA are not enough XP to level from 65-70. the rares in PoA are all level 70 elites, even in the lower zones! It’s best to not touch them while you are levelling, you can come back when you are big n strong to kill them all! Use the PoA rare guides to find them. You can also loot 160 mounts from Supply Crates, other players will often sell these on for platinum. Yay I found a Rare! Don’t be celebrating too early. The fastest mount speed is 160, you can get a 160 mount at the end of the Vostigar Peaks Jet Pack questline (level 68-70)you will need to farm a bit of Intel (in game currency) to buy it. Usually the companion buff will be added to you again when you next hand in or take a quest, so this will need to be repeated! You can right click this buff to remove it and the companions will disappear. For some players this can be very annoying! In your buff bar there will be a ‘buff’ that adds these companions to you. You will need to complete or abandon the conflicting quest before the NPC will show for you.Ĭompanion NPCs For the majority of the quests in the PoA zones you will have at least one companion NPC following you around. Many players encounter this during the The Shadow Market quest, with Tasuil in Feilbocan not showing up for them.

This can occasionally cause conflict when you have multiple quests in your quest log. Only one of these NPCs will be visible to you at the same time. A lot of the time, you will pick up a quest from a NPC in one area and then hand it in to the same NPC but in a different area. Missing Quest NPCs Many of the quest NPCs will only show up for you when you are on a certain quest.